PSC Best Performing Ships – L36M

This RISK4SEA Report about PSC Best Performing Ships for the last 36 months includes the best performing ships per fleet segment showcasing the inspections and detentions in each category and PSC statistics with key figures and global KPIs for July 20 – June 23.

L36M (July 2020 – June 2023) PSC Statistics


  1. Clean Record means 0 deficiencies for the L36M (July 20 – June 23)
  2. Benchmarked Ships: All ships with clean record and inspections > of minimum Inspections limit
  3. If 2 ships with clean record had the same number of inspections the trading area determined the Best Performing Ship.

Paris/Tokyo MoU & USCG had higher gravity factors from other PSC areas.

per Segment (July 20 – June 23)

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RISK4SEA is a SaaS PSC Intelligence platform, illuminating PSC performance to Prepare/Assess PSC inspections, Benchmark against competition and Automate PSC functions and alerts to eliminate detentions and minimize OPEX.