Novorossiysk PSC Inspections vs Calls – 2021 1st Semester

This RISK4SEA Report about PSC Inspections vs Calls in Novorossiysk for the 1st Semester 2021 includes ship type & age detention analysis, ships inspected vs ships called and top 5 deficiency codes.

Key figures
Global KPIs
Ship Type & Age Detention Analysis
Ships Inspected vs Ships Called
Top 5 Deficiency Codes
Key Findings
  1. Novorossiysk is a challenging port in respect of PSC performance, as all KPIs are higher than the Global Status.
  2. Detention Rate was 3 times higher than Global Average.
  3. The old aged ships were mainly detained during 1st Semester of 2021
  4. The inspection rate in Novorossiysk is high (58%), meaning that more than half ships calling at this port are subject to PSC inspection.
  5. General cargo Ships show the highest Detention Rate (15%) but they have a rather lower inspection percentage (43%) in respect of ships calls.
  6. Almost all Suezmax Tankers called during 1st Semester of 2021, were subject to PSC inspection (28 out of 29).
  7. From 606 Managers who managed ships calling at the Port, 417 had ships that were inspected. This means that a percentage of 21% of managers, managing 454 ships, had no ships inspected.
  8. Deficiency Code 11101-Lifeboats was the most common finding during inspections followed by 04103 – Emergency Lighting, batteries, Switches.

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RISK4SEA is a SaaS PSC Intelligence platform, illuminating PSC performance to Prepare/Assess PSC inspections, Benchmark against competition and Automate PSC functions and alerts to eliminate detentions and minimize OPEX.