Introducing Ship, Manager & Port Specific
PSC Port Call Risk Assessment (POCRA)
Given what is at stake in these days and era, it is of paramount importance to assess the forthcoming call with respect to PSC Inspection risks in order to identify probability and severity of a potential inspection and therefore arrive into a Ship, Manager and Port Specific Prioritization Checklist to assist the manager and office to minimize risk and prepare accordingly.
We have introduced the Port Call Risk Assessment (POCRA), an automated process that takes into consideration the following parameters:
With respect to Probability of a forthcoming PSC Inspection in that port, POCRA takes into account
Ship related factors such as:
- MoU Ship Priority / Risk Status Calculation as per specific MoU/PSC Regim
- Inspection Window Open Date as per MoU specific calculation and status
- Inspections Ratio within Window Open Date – Last 12 calendar months as a percentage (%) of Inspections occurred within the Window Open Date for the fleet segment
- Ship Detentions of last 36 calendar months worldwide and in the specific MoU
Manager Related Factors such as:
- Manager Risk Status within MoU/PSC Regime Calculation as per specific MoU/PSC Regime considering 36 months performance
- Manager Detentions in MoU/PSC Regime Check in MoU/PSC Regime on any fleet segment
Port Related Factors such as:
- Flag Risk as per Latest MoU/PSC Regime Official Announcement
- Ship Inspected vs Ship Called Ratio – Last 12 calendar months as a percentage (%) of Unique Ships inspected vs Unique Ships called in the PSC Port area
- Ship Re-inspected in Same Port Ratio – Last 12 calendar months as a percentage (%) of Unique Ships re-inspected more than once within last 12 months (more than 15 days apart)
With respect to Severity of a forthcoming PSC Inspection in that port, POCRA takes into account
Ship related factors such as:
- Ship Detention Record with current manager – Last 12 calendar months worldwide under current manager
- Ship Deficiency Per Inspection (DPI) – Last 12 calendar months vs Global Benchmarking Average (GBA) of the fleet segment and age group
- Ship Age Risk based on fleet segment Port Performance
- Number of detainable deficiency codes between Ship and Port
- Number of common deficiency codes between Ship and Port Top 20 codes
Manager related factors such as:
- Manager Inspections in MoU/PSC Regime Check in MoU/PSC Regime on any fleet segment
- Manager DPI in Port (all fleet segments) DPI in this Port
- Ship DPI with the current manager
- Number of detainable deficiency codes between Manager and Port
- Number of common deficiency codes between Manager and Port Top 20 Deficiency Codes
Port related factors such as:
- Number of common deficiency codes between Ship and Port regarding any Port CiC in effect
- Number of common deficiency codes between Manager and Port regarding any Port CiC in effect
- Number of deficiency codes required to achieve 80% of total deficiencies of the Port (Port Deficiency Codes Spread, DCS)
- Port Detention Ratio (DER) – Last 12 calendar months against Global Benchmarking Average (GBA)
- Port Deficiency Per Inspection (DPI) – Last 12 calendar months against Global Benchmarking Average (GBA)
- Port Corruption Risk on the basis of Assessment based on 3rd party intelligence and algorithmic checks
Ship Manager and Port Specific PSC Call Preparation Checklist
As a result of the Port Call Risk Assessment (POCRA) the platform may subsequently provide a detailed insight into which categories should be prioritized with a detailed listing of the deficiency codes almond with detailed description.
Other Items that may be considered for a full Risk Assessment of a Call at this port
A number of other parameters may be available for the use of a more tailored Port Call Risk Assessment (POCRA) with the use of API to incorporate same into an ERP, such as:
- Codes Check between Ship and Port in all possible subsets i.e. Fleet Segment, All Dry/Wet, All Ships etc.
- Codes Check between Manager and Port in any combination and all possible subsets i.e. Fleet Segment, All Dry/Wet, All Ships etc.
- Manager Detention in Port in All Segments, beyond the fleet segment of a ship
- Manager Detention in MOU/regime in All Segments, beyond the fleet segment of a ship
- Last call of Manager in Port, irrespective of a ship specific fleet segment
- Last Inspection of Manager in Port, irrespective of a ship specific fleet segment
- Last Detention in Port by either ship (under other management) and/or Manager irrespective of Fleet Segment
- Fleet Segment Targeting compared with other segments
- Age Group Targeting and issues at port
- Manager Base Targeting
Automated Detention Elimination Policy (DEP)
There is the option to use the functionality of an API integrating the Next Port of Call with the use of the Port Call Risk Assessment (POCRA) to provide an Automated Detention Elimination Policy (DEP), as described in relevant section of the site.
Options to use the Port Call Risk Assessment (POCRA)
There are a number of options available to use the Port Call Risk Assessment (POCRA), such as:
- Incorporated in a Platform License, available on the cloud everywhere
- Integrate with your ERP via API, a fully tailored solutions to meet exact needs
- Purchase online as a Stand Alone report, on a case by case basis