China – Tanker Performance PSC Analytics (2015-2019)
This RISK4SEA Report about tankers’ (Gas carriers not included) PSC performance in China includes age group analytics, deficiencies per inspection, detention rate, ports with high Detention Rate, most Common Detainable Deficiency Areas and the 10 Most Common Detainable Deficiency codes for Tankers.
Inspections data – Tanker (2015-2019)

Age group analytics

Deficiencies per inspection (DPI)

Detention rate (DER)

Ports with high Detention Rate

Most Common Detainable Deficiency Areas

10 Most Common Detainable Deficiency codes for Tankers

Key findings
- Chinese ports have more deficiencies & detentions compared to the rest of Tokyo MoU and thus, are considered ports where PSC are being conducted thoroughly and tanker operators should be prepared accordingly.
- The majority of inspections were conducted either to relevant medium aged or new ships (of less than 15 years).
- Older tankers (aged 20+) are responsible for 33% of detentions but only less than 7% of inspections.
- Approx. 78% of inspections result to at least one deficiency.
- Fire Safety is the most detainable deficiency area, followed by Pollution prevention and LSA.
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RISK4SEA is a SaaS PSC Intelligence platform, illuminating PSC performance to Prepare/Assess PSC inspections, Benchmark against competition and Automate PSC functions and alerts to eliminate detentions and minimize OPEX.