PSC Best Performing Ships L36M (Jul. 2020 – Jun. 2023)
This RISK4SEA Report about Best Performing Ships in PSC inspections for the last 36 months (Jul. 2020 – Jun. 2023) includes the best performing ships per fleet segment showcasing the inspections and detentions in each category and PSC statistics with key figures and global KPIs.

L36M (July 2020 – June 2023) PSC Statistics

- Clean Record means 0 deficiencies for the L36M (July 20 – June 23)
- Benchmarked Ships: All ships with clean record and inspections > of minimum Inspections limit
- If 2 ships with clean record had the same number of inspections the trading area determined the Best Performing Ship.
Paris/Tokyo MoU & USCG had higher gravity factors from other PSC areas.
per Segment (July 20 – June 23)