Novorossiysk PSC Scorecard L6M (Apr. 2022 – Sep. 2022)

This RISK4SEA Scorecard about PSC inspections in Novorossiysk for the last 6 months (Apr. 2022 – Sep. 2022), includes unique inspections vs unique calls and the most common deficiencies per fleet segment, along with many insights.

Key figures
Global KPIs
Unique inspections vs Unique calls per segment
Most Common Deficiency, per segment
Key Findings
  • With the data at hand last 6 months, Novorossiysk is considered to be a challenging port, as all basic PSC KPIs are higher than the regime and Global Average.
  •  A number of 883 unique vessels called Novorossiysk in the last 6 months, and 553 of them went through a PSC inspection (64%), meaning that 6 out of 10 vessels calling the port were inspected!
  • Inspections vs Calls for Bulk carriers/General cargo and Oil Tankers are significantly high (50-95%), compared with MoU & Global Data for these segments.
  • 13102 Auxiliary engine is the most common Deficiency overall, for all deficiency Codes, all segments.

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RISK4SEA is a SaaS PSC Intelligence platform, illuminating PSC performance to Prepare/Assess PSC inspections, Benchmark against competition and Automate PSC functions and alerts to eliminate detentions and minimize OPEX.