Port Hedland PSC Highlights Capesize L36M (Dec. 2020 – Nov. 2023)
This RISK4SEA Report about PSC inspections Highlights for Capesize in Port Hedland for the last 36 months (Dec. 2020 – Nov. 2023) includes Unique inspections vs Unique calls & Re-inspections, the Port Hedland deficiency code profile and a PSC highlight about a Capesize vessel along with Key findings.
Key PSC Figures in Novorossiysk

Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

Unique inspections vs Unique calls & Re-inspections*

Highlight: A Capesize vessel (Singapore Flag) operated by Hong Kong based manager inspected

Port Hedland Deficiency Code Profile (Capesize>100K DWT) (top 25 def)

Key Findings
- Port Hedland considered to be a challenging port, for Capesize vessels
- Almost one third of the Capes calling (3 out of 10) are inspected
- No matter if the vessel has been inspected again in same port or MoU the inspection is always probable.