Comparison of Tankers’ PSC Analytics (2016-2020)

Comparison of Tankers’ PSC Analytics (2016-2020)

This RISK4SEA Report about comparison of Tankers’ PSC Analytics (2016-2020), includes KPIs and age group, top 5 deficiency codes per PSC MoU, most common deficiency areas and most common detainable deficiency codes.

AMSA – Capesize PSC Analytics 2020

AMSA – Capesize PSC Analytics 2020

This RISK4SEA Report about AMSA – Capesize PSC Analytics for 2020, includes age group analytics, age group share in PSC results, deficiencies per inspection (DPI), detention rate (DER), most common deficiency codes and most common detainable deficiencies.

Global PSC Detentions – Q1 2021

Global PSC Detentions – Q1 2021

This RISK4SEA Report about PSC detentions globally for the Q1 of 2021 includes breakdown of detentions per manager base country, most common detainable deficiencies, detention rate (DER) vs ship age and top ports with high number of inspections.

PSC Highlights for Ports 2020

PSC Highlights for Ports 2020

This RISK4SEA Report about PSC Highlights for Ports 2020 includes ports with high number of inspections and most common detainable deficiencies in global ports per ship type.

Tokyo MoU PSC Scorecard 2020

Tokyo MoU PSC Scorecard 2020

This RISK4SEA Report about PSC inspections in Tokyo MoU for 2020 includes ship type & age analysis, detention rate vs ship age, detentions per nanager base country, ports with most inspections, most common deficiency codes and the most common Detainable Deficiencies.

Paris MoU PSC Scorecard 2020

Paris MoU PSC Scorecard 2020

This RISK4SEA Report about PSC inspections in Paris MoU for 2020 includes ship type & age analysis, detention rate vs ship age, detentions per operator base country, most busiest ports, most common deficiency codes and the Top 10 Detainable Deficiencies.

Global PSC Scorecard – Detentions – Q3 2020

Global PSC Scorecard – Detentions – Q3 2020

This RISK4SEA Report about PSC inspections globally for the Q3 of 2020 includes detentions per operators base, detainable deficiencies areas, ship type & age detention analysis, detention rate vs ship age and the top 10 detainable deficienciy codes.

USCG Detentions Scorecard (2015-2019)

USCG Detentions Scorecard (2015-2019)

This RISK4SEA Report about PSC inspections of USCG for the period 2015-2019 includes detentions breakdown per manager base country, breakdown of detainable deficiencies categories, ship type & age analysis, detention rate vs ship age and most common detainable deficiencies.

Global Dry Bulk Trading PSC Analytics (2015-2019)

Global Dry Bulk Trading PSC Analytics (2015-2019)

This RISK4SEA Report about PSC inspections globally for dry bulk carriers includes age group analytics, detention rate vs ship age, most challenging ports and the most common detainable deficiencies.

Global PSC Scorecard – Detentions – 2020 1st Semester

Global PSC Scorecard – Detentions – 2020 1st Semester

This RISK4SEA Report about PSC inspections globally for the 1st semester of 2020 includes detentions analytics per manager’s base country, detainable deficiency categories, ship type & age detention analysis, detention rate vs ship age and the top 20 most common detainable deficiencies.

China – Tanker Performance PSC Analytics (2015-2019)

China – Tanker Performance PSC Analytics (2015-2019)

This RISK4SEA Report about tankers’ (Gas carriers not included) PSC performance in China includes age group analytics, deficiencies per inspection, detention rate, ports with high Detention Rate, most Common Detainable Deficiency Areas and the 10 Most Common Detainable Deficiency codes for Tankers.

USCG – Tankers PSC Analytics 2019

USCG – Tankers PSC Analytics 2019

This RISK4SEA Report about PSC inspections of USCG for tankers in 2019 includes age group analytics, most challenging US ports for tankers, deficiencies per inspection, detention rate, most common visited US ports for tankers, Top 10 PSC Deficiency areas and Top 10 PSC Detainable Deficiency areas.

USCG Detentions Scorecard 2018

USCG Detentions Scorecard 2018

This RISK4SEA Report about PSC inspections of USCG for 2018 includes detentions analysis per operation base, Top 20 detainable deficiencies, ship type & age analysis, detention rate vs ship age and detainable deficiency areas.

Tokyo MoU PSC Scorecard 2018

Tokyo MoU PSC Scorecard 2018

This RISK4SEA Report about PSC inspections in Tokyo MoU for 2018 includes detentions analysis per operation base, Top 20 detainable deficiencies, ship type & age analysis, detention rate vs ship age and the Top 10 deficiency categories.

Paris MoU PSC Scorecard 2019

Paris MoU PSC Scorecard 2019

This RISK4SEA Report about PSC inspections in Paris MoU for 2019 includes ship type & age analysis, detention rate vs ship age, detentions per operator base country, detentions per operator and per ship, most busiest ports and the Top 10 Detainable Deficiences.

Paris MoU PSC Scorecard 2018

Paris MoU PSC Scorecard 2018

This RISK4SEA Report about PSC inspections in Paris MoU for 2018 includes ship type & age analysis, detention rate vs ship age, detentions analysis per operator base, ports with more than 10 detentions and detainable deficiency categories breakdown.

Paris MoU – Capesize PSC Analytics (2015-2019)

Paris MoU – Capesize PSC Analytics (2015-2019)

This RISK4SEA Report about PSC in Paris MoU for Capesize bulk carriers includes age group analytics, deficiencies per inspection, detention rate, common Capesize Ports Detention performance and Top 10 PSC detainable deficiencies.

Global PSC Scorecard – Detentions – Q3 2019

Global PSC Scorecard – Detentions – Q3 2019

This RISK4SEA Report about PSC inspections globally for the Q3 of 2019 includes detentions analysis per operation base, detainable deficiency categories breakdown, ship type & age detention analysis, detention rate vs ship age and the most common detainable deficiencies.

Global PSC Scorecard – Detentions – 2019 1st Semester

Global PSC Scorecard – Detentions – 2019 1st Semester

This RISK4SEA Report about PSC inspections globally for the 1st semester of 2019 includes detentions analysis per operation base, detainable deficiency categories breakdown, ship type & age detention analysis, detention rate vs ship age and the most common detainable deficiencies.