3.3 Port State Action in Response to Alleged Substandard Ships

3.3.1 On receipt of information about an alleged substandard ship or alleged pollution risk,
the authorities should immediately investigate the matter and take the action required by the
circumstances in accordance with the preceding sections.

3.3.2 Authorities which receive information about a substandard ship that could give rise to
detention should forthwith notify any maritime, consular and/or diplomatic representatives of
the flag State in the area of the ship and request them to initiate or cooperate with
investigations. Likewise, the recognized organization (RO) which has issued the relevant
certificates on behalf of the flag State should be notified, where appropriate. These provisions
will not, however, relieve the authorities of the port State, being a Party to a relevant
convention, of the responsibility for taking appropriate action in accordance with its powers
under the relevant conventions.

3.3.3 If the port State receiving information is unable to take action because there is
insufficient time or no PSCOs can be made available before the ship sails, the information
should be passed to the authorities of the country of the next appropriate port of call, to the
flag State and also to the RO in that port, where appropriate.