These Guidelines are intended to provide basic guidance to port State control officers (PSCOs)
to verify compliance with the requirements of SOLAS 1974 for long-range identification and
tracking (LRIT).
2.1 LRIT equipment is required by the provisions of SOLAS 1974 regulation V/19-1, and
the Revised performance standards and functional requirements for the long-range
identification and tracking of ships (resolution MSC.263(84)/Rev.1), as amended, and requires
all passenger ships, cargo ships (including high-speed craft) over 300 gross tonnage and
mobile offshore drilling units (MODUs) to send LRIT position information at least
every six hours. Ships fitted with an automatic identification system (AIS) and operated
exclusively within sea area A1 are not required to comply with LRIT. Sea area A1 is defined
by SOLAS 1974 regulation IV/2.1.15 as “an area within the radiotelephone coverage of at least
one VHF coast station in which continuous DSC alerting is available, as may be defined by
a Contracting Government”.
2.2 SOLAS Contracting Governments are expected to maintain an LRIT data centre,
either on a national basis, or on a regional or cooperative basis with other flag States, and
notify IMO of it. In turn, these LRIT data centres will forward, upon request, LRIT information
from ships entitled to fly their flags, to other SOLAS Contracting Governments through the
International LRIT Data Exchange. Port States are entitled to request LRIT information from
foreign ships that have indicated their intention to enter a port, port facility or place under its
2.3 In most cases a stand-alone Inmarsat C or Inmarsat mini-C terminal used for the
GMDSS or ship security alert system will function as the LRIT terminal, but other equipment
may be employed for the LRIT function (for example, Inmarsat D+ or Iridium).
3.1 Initial inspection
3.1.1 The PSCO should first establish the sea area the ship is certified to operate in.
This verification should ensure that the ship is subject to the LRIT regulation in relation to its
ship type and tonnage. After the certificate check, the PSCO should verify that:
.1 the Record of Equipment (Form E, P or C) indicates LRIT as required, if
applicable; and1
.2 the equipment identified by the ship’s representative as the designated
LRIT terminal is switched on.2
3.1.2 In case of recent transfer of flag, the PSCO may further ensure that:
.1 a conformance test report has been re-issued if the new flag State does not
recognize the issuing body of the existing conformance test report; or
.2 a new conformance test has been carried out by the application service
provider (ASP) on behalf of the Administration before issuance of a new test
report and certificate.
3.2 Clear grounds
Conditions which may warrant a more detailed inspection of equipment used for LRIT may
comprise the following:
.1 defective main or emergency source of energy;
.2 information or indication that LRIT equipment is not functioning properly;
.3 ship does not hold conformance test report; and
.4 the “record of navigational activities” indicates that the LRIT installation has
been switched off and that this has not been reported to the flag
Administration as required by SOLAS 1974 regulation V/19-1.7.2.
3.3 More detailed inspection
3.3.1 In case of doubt or reports of malfunctioning of the LRIT installation, the flag
Administration may be contacted to determine if the ship’s LRIT information has been reliably
relayed to the LRIT data centre.
3.3.2 If any issues are identified at the initial inspection, a more detailed inspection of
equipment used for LRIT may comprise the following:
.1 verification of the power supply, which should be connected to the main
source of energy and the emergency source of energy – there is no
requirement for an uninterrupted power source; if LRIT is part of the GMDSS
radio installation, the power supply should conform to GMDSS regulations;
.2 inspection of the “record of navigational activities” log to establish if and when
the installation has been switched off and if this has been reported to the flag
Administration (SOLAS 1974 regulation V/19-1.7.2 and resolution
MSC.263(84)/Rev.1, paragraph 4.4.1); and
.3 ensuring that any conformance test report is issued on behalf of the flag
State, even by itself or by an authorized application service provider
(see MSC.1/Circ.1377/Rev.11 and updated versions as shown in GISIS),
available for a ship that has an LRIT installation.
4 Deficiencies warranting detention
4.1 A PSCO should use professional judgement to determine whether to detain the ship
until any noted deficiencies are corrected or to permit a vessel to sail with deficiencies.3
4.2 In order to assist the PSCO in the use of these Guidelines, the following deficiencies
should be considered to be of such nature that they may warrant the detention of a ship:
.1 absence of a valid LRIT conformance test report; and
.2 the master or the responsible officer is not familiar with essential shipboard
operational procedures relating to LRIT.
4.3 Taking into account the guidance found in the Guidance on the implementation of the
LRIT system (MSC.1/Circ.1298), PSCOs are also advised that ships should not be detained if
the LRIT installation on board works but the shoreside installation or organization is not able
to receive, relay or process the information.
4.4 PSCOs are advised that a flag State may issue a short-term certificate; this could
happen if, following a successful inspection for the issuance of a conformance test report, the
ASP has not been able to issue a document yet, or if the ASP is not able to perform a
conformance test in due time upon the request of the shipowner.
1 A Record of Equipment is required for cargo ships greater than 500 gross tonnage and passenger ships.
2 In exceptional circumstances and for the shortest duration possible, LRIT is capable of being switched off
or may transmit less frequently (SOLAS 1974 regulation V/19-1.7.2 and resolution MSC.263(84)/Rev.1,
paragraph 4.4.1).
3 SOLAS 1974 regulation V/16.2: “while all reasonable steps shall be taken to maintain the equipment required
by this chapter in efficient working order, malfunctions of that equipment shall not be considered as making
the ship unseaworthy or as a reason for delaying the ship in ports where repair facilities are not readily
available, provided suitable arrangements are made by the master to take the inoperative equipment or
unavailable information into account in planning and executing a safe voyage to a port where repairs can
take place.”