App. 12 – PSC List of Certificates & Documents



List of certificates and documents which to the extent applicable should be checked as a
minimum during the inspection referred to in paragraph 2.2.3 (as appropriate):

1 International Tonnage Certificate (TONNAGE 1969 article 7);

2 Reports of previous port State control inspections;

3 Passenger Ship Safety Certificate (SOLAS 1974 regulation I/12);

4 Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate (SOLAS 1974 regulation I/12);

5 Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate (SOLAS 1974 regulation I/12);

6 Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate (SOLAS 1974 regulation I/12);

7 Cargo Ship Safety Certificate (SOLAS 1974 regulation I/12);

8 Exemption Certificate (SOLAS 1974 regulation I/12);

9 Minimum safe manning document (SOLAS 1974 regulation V/14.2);

10 International Load Line Certificate (1966) (LL 1966/LL PROT 1988 article 16.1);

11 International Load Line Exemption Certificate (LL 1966/LL PROT 1988 article 16.2);

12 International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate (MARPOL Annex I regulation 7.1);

13 International Pollution Prevention Certificate for the Carriage of Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk (NLS) (MARPOL Annex II regulation 9.1);

14 International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate (MARPOL Annex IV regulation 5.1 and MEPC.1/Circ.408);

15 International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate (MARPOL Annex VI regulation 6.1);

16 International Energy Efficiency Certificate (MARPOL Annex VI regulation 6);

17 International Ballast Water Management Certificate (BWM 2004 article 9.1(a) and regulation E-2);

18 International Anti-fouling System Certificate (AFS 2001 annex 4 regulation 2);

19 Declaration on AFS (AFS 2001 annex 4 regulation 5);

20 International Ship Security Certificate or Interim International Ship Security Certificate (ISPS Code part A/19 and appendices);

21 Certificates for masters, officers or ratings (STCW 1978 article VI and regulation I/2, and STCW Code section A-I/2);

22 Copy of Document of Compliance or a copy of the Interim Document of Compliance (SOLAS 1974 regulation IX/4.2 and ISM Code paragraphs 13 and 14);

23 Safety Management Certificate or an Interim Safety Management Certificate (SOLAS 1974 regulation IX/4.3 and ISM Code paragraphs 13 and 14);

24 International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk, or the
Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk, whichever is
appropriate (IGC Code section 1.4 or GC Code section 1.6);

25 International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk,
or the Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk,
whichever is appropriate (IBC Code section 1.5 or BCH Code section 1.6);

26 International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of INF Cargo (SOLAS 1974
regulation VII/16 and INF Code section 1.3);

27 Certificate of insurance or other financial security in respect of civil liability for oil
pollution damage (CLC 69/92 article VII.2);

28 Certificate of insurance or other financial security in respect of civil liability for bunker
oil pollution damage (BUNKERS 2001 article 7.2);

29 Certificate of insurance or other financial security in respect of liability for the removal
of wrecks (Nairobi WRC 2007 article 12);

30 High-Speed Craft Safety Certificate and Permit to Operate High-Speed Craft (SOLAS 1974 regulation X/3.2 and 1994/2000 HSC Code paragraph 1.8.1 and section 1.9);

31 Document of Compliance with the special requirements for ships carrying dangerous goods (SOLAS 1974 regulation II-2/19.4);

32 Document of authorization for the carriage of grain and grain loading manual (SOLAS 1974 regulation VI/9 and Grain Code section 3);

33 Condition Assessment Scheme (CAS) Statement of Compliance, CAS Final Report
and Review Record (MARPOL Annex I regulations 20 and 21; resolution
MEPC.94(46), as amended by resolutions MEPC.99(48), MEPC.112(50),
MEPC.131(53), MEPC.155(55) and MEPC.236(65));

34 Continuous Synopsis Record (SOLAS 1974 regulation XI-1/5);

35 Oil Record Book, parts I and II (MARPOL Annex I regulations 17 and 36);

36 Cargo Record Book (MARPOL Annex II regulation 15);

37 Garbage Record Book (MARPOL Annex V regulation 10);

38 Garbage Management Plan (MARPOL Annex V regulation 10 and resolution MEPC.220(63));

39 Logbook and the recordings of the tier and on/off status of marine diesel engines
(MARPOL Annex VI regulation 13.5.3);

40 Logbook for fuel oil changeover (MARPOL Annex VI regulation 14.6);

41 Ozone-depleting Substances Record Book (MARPOL Annex VI regulation 12.6);

42 Ballast Water Record Book (BWM 2004 article9.1 (b) and regulation B-2);

43 Fixed gas fire-extinguishing systems – cargo spaces Exemption Certificate and any list of cargoes (SOLAS 1974 regulation II-2/;

44 Dangerous goods manifest or stowage plan (SOLAS 1974 regulations VII/4
and VII/7-2 and MARPOL Annex III regulation 5);

45 For oil tankers, the record of oil discharge monitoring and control system for the last
ballast voyage (MARPOL Annex I regulation 31.2);

46 Search and rescue cooperation plan for passenger ships trading on fixed routes
(SOLAS 1974 regulation V/7.3);

47 For passenger ships, List of operational limitations (SOLAS 1974 regulation V/30.2);

48 Nautical charts and nautical publications (SOLAS 1974 regulations V/ and V/27);

49 Records of hours of rest and watch schedule (STCW Code sections A-VIII/1.5 and 1.7);

50 Unattended machinery spaces (UMS) evidence (SOLAS 1974 regulation II-I/46.3); and

51 Statement of Compliance1 related to fuel oil consumption reporting and operational
carbon intensity rating. Statements of Compliance should be retained on board for at
least the last five years, as applicable (MARPOL Annex VI regulation 6).


List of other certificates and documents which to the extent applicable are required to be on

1 Construction drawings (SOLAS 1974 regulation II-1/3-7);

2 Ship Construction File (SOLAS 1974 regulation II-1/3-10);

3 Manoeuvring booklet and information (SOLAS 1974 regulation II-1/28);

4 Stability information (SOLAS 1974 regulations II-1/5 and II-1/5-1, and LL 1966/LL
PROT 1988 regulation 10);

5 Subdivision and stability information (MARPOL Annex I regulation 28);

6 Damage control plans and booklets (SOLAS 1974 regulation II-1/19 and
MSC.1/Circ.1245, as amended);

7 Ship Structure Access Manual (SOLAS 1974 regulation II-1/3-6);

8 Enhanced survey report files (in case of bulk carriers or oil tankers) (SOLAS 1974
regulation XI-1/2 and 2011 ESP Code paragraphs 6.2 and 6.3 of annex A, part A and
part B, and annex B, part A and part B);

9 Cargo Securing Manual (SOLAS 1974 regulation VI/5.6 and VII/5 and

10 Bulk carrier booklet (SOLAS 1974 regulations VI/7.2 and XII/8 and BLU Code);

11 Loading/unloading plan for bulk cargoes (SOLAS 1974 regulation VI/7.3);

12 Cargo information (SOLAS 1974 regulations VI/2 and XII/10 and MSC/Circ.663);

13 Fire-control plan/booklet (SOLAS 1974 regulations II-2/15.2.4 and II-2/15.3.2);

14 Fire safety operational booklet (SOLAS 1974 regulation II-2/16.2);

15 Fire safety training manual (SOLAS 1974 regulation II-2/15.2.3);

16 Training manual (SOLAS 1974 regulation III/35);

17 Onboard training, drills and maintenance records (SOLAS 1974
regulations II-2/, III/19.3, III/19.5, III/20.6 and III/20.7);

18 Ship-specific plans and procedures for recovery of persons from the water (SOLAS
1974 regulation III/17-1, resolution MSC.346(91) and MSC.1/Circ.1447);

19 Decision support system for masters (Passenger ships) (SOLAS 1974
regulation III/29);

20 International Code of Signals and a copy of Volume III of IAMSAR Manual
(SOLAS 1974 regulation V/21);

21 Records of navigational activities (SOLAS 1974 regulations V/26 and V/28.1);

22 Ship Security Plan and associated records (SOLAS 1974 regulation XI-2/9 and ISPS
Code part A/9 and 10);

23 Engine International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate (NOx Technical Code 2008

24 EEDI Technical File (MARPOL Annex VI regulation 22);

25 EEXI Technical File (MARPOL Annex VI regulation 23);

26 Onboard Management Manual (OMM) for Shaft Power Limitation (ShaPoLi) / Engine
Power Limitation (EPL), if applicable (MARPOL Annex VI regulation 23 and resolution

27 Technical Files (NOx Technical Code 2008 paragraph 2.3.4);

28 Record Book of Engine Parameters (NOx Technical Code paragraph 2.3.7);

29 Type approval certificate of incinerator (MARPOL Annex VI regulation 16.6);

30 Manufacturer’s operating manual for incinerators (MARPOL Annex VI
regulation 16.7);

31 Fuel oil changeover procedure (MARPOL Annex VI regulation 14.6);

32 Bunker delivery notes and representative sample (MARPOL Annex VI
regulations 18.6 and 18.8.1);

33 Shipboard oil pollution emergency plan (SOPEP) (MARPOL Annex I regulation 37.1
and resolution MEPC.54(32), as amended by resolution MEPC.86(44));

34 Shipboard marine pollution emergency plan for noxious liquid substances (MARPOL
Annex II regulation 17);

35 Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) (with a plan of corrective actions
included – for a ship rated as D for 3 consecutive years or rated as E) and the
associated confirmation of compliance (MARPOL Annex VI regulation 5, 26 and 28,
MEPC.1/Circ.795, as may be amended);

36 STS operation plan and records of STS operations (MARPOL Annex I regulation 41);

37 Procedures and Arrangements Manual (chemical tankers) (MARPOL Annex II
regulation 14.1; resolution MEPC.18(22), as amended by resolution MEPC.62(35));

38 VOC Management Plan (MARPOL Annex VI regulation 15.6);

39 Ballast Water Management Plan (BWM 2004 regulation B-1 and resolution
MEPC.127(53), as amended);

40 LRIT conformance test report (SOLAS 1974 regulation V/19-1.6 and

41 Copy of the certificate of compliance issued by the testing facility, stating the date of
compliance and the applicable performance standards of VDR (voyage data recorder)
(SOLAS 1974 regulation V/18.8);

42 AIS test report (SOLAS 1974 regulation V/18.9 and MSC.1/Circ.1252);

43 Noise survey report (SOLAS 1974 regulation II-1/3-12);

44 Oil discharge monitoring and control (ODMC) operational manual (MARPOL Annex I
regulation 31; resolution A.496(XII); resolution A.586(14), as amended by resolution
MEPC.24(22); and resolution MEPC.108(49), as amended by resolution

45 Crude Oil Washing Operation and Equipment Manual (MARPOL Annex I
regulation 35 and resolution MEPC.81(43));

46 Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) (SOLAS 1974 regulation VI/5-1 and resolution

47 Record of AFS (AFS 2001 annex 4 regulation 2);

48 Coating Technical File (SOLAS 1974 regulation II-1/3-2); and

49 Maintenance plans (SOLAS 1974 regulations II-2/14.2.2, II-2/14.3 and II-2/14.4).

For reference:

1 Certificate of Registry or other document of nationality (UNCLOS article 91);

2 Certificates as to the ship’s hull strength and machinery installations issued by the
classification society in question (only to be required if the ship maintains its class
with a classification society);

3 Cargo Gear Record Book (ILO Convention No.32 article 9.2(4) and ILO Convention
No.152 article 25);

4 Certificates loading and unloading equipment (ILO Convention No.134 article 4.3(e)
and ILO Convention No.32 article 9(4));

5 Medical certificates (STCW convention regulation I/9 and MLC 2006 Standard A 1.2);

6 Records of hours of work or rest of seafarers (MLC 2006 Standard A 2.3.12);

7 Maritime Labour Certificate (MLC 2006 regulation 5.1.3);

8 Declaration of Maritime Labour compliance on board (parts I and II) (MLC 2006
regulation 5.1.3);

9 Seafarersʹ employment agreements (MLC 2006 Standard A 2.1);

10 Certificate of insurance or financial security for repatriation of seafarers (MLC 2006,
regulation 2.5); and

11 Certificate of insurance or financial security for shipownersʹ liability (MLC 2006
regulation 4.2).




1 New ships are not required to be furnished with Statements of Compliance until June of the following year.