3.2.1 Information that a ship appears to be substandard could be submitted to the
appropriate authorities of the port State (see section 3.3) by a member of the crew,
a professional body, an association, a trade union or any other individual with an interest in
the safety of the ship, its crew and passengers, or the protection of the marine environment.
3.2.2 This information should be submitted in writing to permit proper documentation of the
case and of the alleged deficiencies. If the information is passed verbally, the filing of a written
report should be required, identifying, for the purposes of the port State’s records, the individual
or body providing the information. The attending PSCO may collect this information and submit
it as part of the PSCO’s report if the originator is unable to do so.
3.2.3 Information which may cause an investigation should be submitted as early as
possible, giving adequate time to the authorities to act as necessary.
3.2.4 Each Party to the relevant convention should determine which authorities should
receive information on substandard ships and initiate action. Measures should be taken to
ensure that information submitted to the wrong department is promptly passed on by such
department to the appropriate authority for action.