1.8 Professional profile of PSCOs

1.8.1 Port State control should be carried out only by qualified PSCOs who fulfil the
qualifications and training specified in section 1.9.

1.8.2 When the required professional expertise cannot be provided by the PSCO, the
PSCO may be assisted by any person with the required expertise, as acceptable to the
port State.

1.8.3 PSCOs and persons assisting them should be free from any commercial, financial
and other pressures and have no commercial interest in the port of inspection, the ships
inspected, ship repair facilities or any support services in the port or elsewhere, nor should
PSCOs be employed by or undertake work on behalf of ROs or classification societies.

1.8.4 A PSCO should carry a personal document in the form of an identity card issued by
the port State and indicating that the PSCO is authorized to carry out the control.